
Friday, March 16, 2012

the lorax

A couple days ago we went to see The Lorax movie,an adaptation of Seuss's book The Lorax. I thought it was quite good and the whole audience laughed many many timed throughout.the movie actually has a fairly good website at . Since the story is so environmentally minded, the Lorax project is doing cool things in the real world! check it out here Or go to or the J.E.B. site's homepage,, to hear me go on and on and on about the movie,how it will help people to raise environmental awareness, and so on (and on and on)I really loved how a beloved old story that I had read (and been read to) came to life on the big screen. One thing I definitly did not expect it to be- a musical. That was very unexpected! It inspired me to paint this pastel-watercolor resist painting of some candy-hues Truffala trees- because "truffula trees are what everyone needs", after all.

completely unrelated: this is an easter painting i made recently


  1. Interesting link to check into the movie and the "Go Green" tips. Would be a fun movie to watch. Love your chick drawing.

  2. These paintings are great, Ivy! I didn't know you were painting. I love the trees. I want a truffala tree!
