
Friday, March 16, 2012

My Manga Drawings

here's some recent Manga (Japanese comics style) drawings and sketches I did recently. I had not drawn in FOREVER- so I had a bit of trouble getting back into it. But, I have managed to make a few (i think) nice ones...
I had to think a bit on how to make a bubbly shower picture that was appropriate for posting online, but it worked out great!

Drawing II of my Bubbles series. This is a spunky drawing of a spunky girl at the beach, done in pen, pencil, colored pencil, and (you'd better believe it!) eraser.

Drawing I of the Bubbles series. After the shower girl sketch, I guess I just had bubbles on the brain... plus they're fun to draw!

This one was partly inspired by a character in the bedtime story my dad is reading to Ella and I.(don't mind the creepy sketch on the opposite page- it was just a practice page)

Drawing III of the Bubbles (so far) trio. This was drawn the night after we watched Lilo and Stitch 2, and was inspired by it, but it is not supposed to actually look like Lilo or anything.

A sketch probably born of  the nervous thoughts about my first real gymnastics competition, coming up this Saturday.(see previous post!) The Gymsuit is supposed to look like my team's gymsuit. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a self-portrait or just "a gymnast that looks vaguely like a Mangafied me".

Two cute kitties on a couch. What more can I say? (Ella picked out the colors for the sitting cat and mom selected the brown kitty's cozy tones)
I am proud of what I've accomplished with my drawings!I even feel I'm beginning to develop my own signature style somewhat- I've been trying to start to work on that for a  long, loooooong time. I feel that my drawings are unique, special, and creative, and that's what makes the spirit of Manga so fun!If anyone has feedback or ideas for future sketches, please post them in a comment! If you'd like to vote on your favorite of all of these, see the "My Manga" poll.


  1. Awesome drawing, Ivy. I like how you've collected them here and reflected on the process too.

  2. Ooooh, they're adorable! Ideas...hmm. What about a manga hippie-chic. Or a manga girl who's inlove with her little manga stuffies. Just suggestions, seems like you're inspired enough already :D.

  3. I love them all - it was hard to vote, but the little gymnast is my favourite. I'd love to see more gymnasts!
