
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Manning Park

 I am sorry, Manning park was a loooooong time ago and this post is soooooooo delayed. I wrote this a while ago but just recently got the video on the computer and now it's not even working. Trrgggggg! :My family and I went to Manning Park for a BC parks 100 years celebration (for witch about 12 people including us showed up at )and short holiday. We all had fun there!! My dad had the classical music and epic photo opportunities, my mom had beautiful hikes and the clear cold 3foot-deep river (which she dunked in), and The E's and I had the pool, saltwater taffy, candy-coated popcorn, mini sausage rolls, and a super (maybe overly) cozy 6-by-8-foot room with 2 bunk beds! Ezra in particular loved the huge areas of soft brown grass with millions of little gopher holes, and to him, it seemed like magic that the adorable furballs popped up in one place, and then scurried back into it only to reappear someplace else only minutes later! the whole trip was amazing and I hope we can go back soon! at the pool, me and Ella learned to dive......soo cool. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that sounds like fun new experiences. So then, next time at the docks you will be diving instead of jumping in? Please make sure it's deep enough!
